Thursday, July 24, 2008

Raising Men

I would not be accused of coddling my boys. When they fell down, I usually said, "get up."

When Quinlan broke his collar bone and could only use one arm, I didn't allow him to neglect his chores. Sure, he whined a bit. I told him that he probably wasn't the first person to empty a dishwasher using only one hand.


Lacking Productivity said...

hey! I gave you an award on my blog!

splinger moosebutt said...

Yeah, if he really wanted to get out of dishes, he would have put in a little extra effort to break both collar bones, and perhaps a leg for good measure. Kids these days just don't try hard enough.

M said...

You are my hero.

M said...

Honestly, no wonder your kids turned out so great. I need to be more tough and less wimpy. You are amazing.